Let's Unpack This!

Project Reflection 2

This week I will be discussing my group’s progress. Since we do not have anymore required readings, my sole focus is now the project. So let’s begin!

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Project Reflection 1

After 11 weeks, we have finally completed reading, writing, and reflecting on the materials taught by Dr. Pisch. Now we began the final project by either working independently or forming a group with either one or two people. I took it upon myself to find two others to collaborate with on the project. With that being said, I am happy to present Kailey Maclin and Sarah Do! They are great communicators and group partners, and I feel lucky to have them because I have struggled with group projects before in college, but they make it easy.

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What is an Audience?

When you are designing a website, there are many things to consider:

  1. What do you want the website to do?
  2. What should it look like?
  3. How will you drive the right people to the site?
  4. Who are you targeting with the new site?
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What is Aleatory Poetry?

According to Dr. Pilsch, aleatory poetry is the process of using chance to generate text. For example, a poet can take an existing piece of their writing and submit it to chance operations (a method of generating poetry independent of the author’s will). This can be done by deleting every third word, cutting up the text and putting the pieces together in a random sequence, or what I did change certain words and replace them with synonyms.

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A Tale of Crowns

After reading through all the twine games introductions, I picked to play ‘A Tale of Crowns’ by S.S.G because I found it the most interesting. I saw that they incorporated Kurdish influences, which is crazy because I am half Turkish, and when I went to Turkey- I saw a good amount of Kurds there!

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What is Hypertext?

The World Wide Web equals the combination of computer networking (the Internet) and HyperText MarkUp Language (HTML) into an easy, user-friendly system where users can access information from around the world from a computer. Hypertext is the medium used to transmit the information in a non-linear fashion by clicking on the computer link using your mouse. These links provide readers the option to “jump” to further information about a specific topic being discussed.

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Where are my Files?

This week Dr. Pilsch taught us how to use GitHub like a professional. Whoop Whoop!! I learned branching, authoring pull requests, cloning, staging, pushing, and pulling. These GitHub actions can help manage complex projects involving multiple contributors and are useful for something as simple as managing a blog.

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What is Metadata?

Metadata is data that describes data containing specific information like type, length, textual description, and other characteristics.

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Data Visualization

This week’s topic was about data. When I clicked the link to see the data visualization category, instantly there was a ton of different kinds of visualization that I was unfamiliar with but excited to learn more about.

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